Dedicated Time and Team Member Retention

Learn how hiring employees can provide dedicated time to focus on growth and enhance retention.

Hourly, Salary, Productivity Based

Explore the different compensation options with employees.

Prevent Burnout and Increase Productivity

Discover how delegating tasks to employees can prevent burnout, increase productivity, and ensure sustainable business growth.

Empower Your Business with Strategic Hiring Decisions

In this class, Kacie Darden delves into the transformative benefits of hiring employees over independent contractors. Learn how strategic transitions can unlock dedicated time, enhance retention, and attract seasoned professionals to your team. Explore compensation models, legal considerations, and operational factors for successful employee integration. Take the first step towards preventing burnout, increasing productivity, and elevating your agency's performance.

Meet Kacie Darden: Your Guide to Business Growth

Join me, Kacie Darden, as we navigate the realm of hiring employees for business expansion.   As an agency owner who started with Independent Contractors, I felt comfortable with that model, low risk on both sides. Then, I was challenged by my business coach to explore and try the employee model.  I am excited to share insights, bumps to avoid and the benefits I've seen by adopting this model. 

Ready to Transform Your Agency?

Unlock the Benefits of Strategic Employee Hiring Today!
